Chick Cartoon Tracts Make Witnessing So Easy!

Earlier this month, we emailed some of our best ideas on how to get the Gospel out during the current health crisis. Many are hurting and more open to spiritual things. And they have more time to STOP and think about their relationship to God and what happens after death.

We appreciate all of you who took the time to send in your ideas! We’ve collated some of the best and pray you will find some new and creative ways of spreading the Good News to lots of people who have no hope right now.

Jesus is the answer!

Witnessing Ideas from Other Believers

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"When I am shopping, I return my used cart to the corral. I place a Chick Tract in the cart. If the next customer doesn’t get it, the person sanitizing the carts will."

"Our church is also handing out COVID family packs consisting of hand sanitizer, toilet paper, paper towels, disinfectant spray and wipes, etc. The Tract “ROOM 310” is placed in every bag."
Gloria, Email

"Recently I have been going door to door and leaving tracts. I slip a tract or two in the crack between door and frame. Some apartments have a convenient clip to leave messages. These are best. I have gone out twice a week for a couple of months and it is rare to see or talk to anyone, especially in the morning. This helps maintain social distancing."
Scott, Email

"Tack them on to bulletin boards at stores, supermarkets, public places, etc. People do not feel forced or repelled to take one from a stranger if they are worried."
Rob, Email

"I drive around at night and leave them outside people's front doors!!"
Judy, Email

"Another technique is in a 7/11 type store that sells beer. I often open the door to the cooler and slide a tract into a case of beer. They usually have an opening that serves as a handle and it fits in there just fine."
Mick, Email

"I made simple card stock tract holders and taped them at 17 bus stops on a main road in North Las Vegas."
Ginny, Email

A few other ideas:

  • Leave them on bus seats
  • Include in care packages for the less fortunate/homeless persons
  • Leave in chairs at the bank/credit union/doctor’s office
  • Leave on top of ATM'S

For Growing Christians of All Ages

For decades, Christians have said how influential "The Next Step" by Jack T. Chick has been in their Christian life.

One of the most beloved chapters is entitled, "Don't Read That Book!", where Jack shows, in comic style, all the excuses Satan throws at you to keep you from reading God's Word.

But the best part of that chapter is Jack's Bible reading plan. Read it for yourself in our free excerpt.

$5.95, Item #156

Help new believers grow spiritually

When you received the Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior, you made the most important decision of your life. To help you be more effective in your Christian walk, The Next Step will be most helpful. Though it is not meant to take the place of your Bible, it will teach you the basic steps to a strong and healthy Christian life.

An excellent discipleship tool to give to those you lead to the Lord.

Each chapter introduces a different aspect to growth which Christians need to understand:

Birth of The Bible - How the Scriptures came to be, the inspiration by God, the authority of His Word, and how Satan has attacked it for almost 1,500 years.

Don't Read That Book - You won't last long without food, and neither will any Christian last long without the Word of God. Here is a Bible reading program that will give you a balanced diet of spiritual food, every day of your life. But it will cost you something!

Prayer - Do you want to get RESULTS when you pray? Here are the keys to effective prayer, and how to deal with the things that Satan uses to stop you.

Love - Some people are very hard to love. Yet the story in this chapter shows that for some people, real love is the only way to reach them.

The Enemy - Every Christian has a mortal enemy. His goal? He wants you dead and in hell. Learn some of his many faces, and how he attacks Christians. He hates us all, because he knows that there is a day coming, when…

Pitfalls - Be careful! The things that can destroy your Christian testimony can be small, or unexpected.

Called Out - Okay, so now you're a Christian. That doesn't mean you're better than everyone else. It means you're forgiven. But you can't be the same as everyone else, either. God wants you to live in a way that makes you different, so you can have the same result as the Christian in this chapter.

Warn Them - Everyone who hasn't accepted Christ is on their way to hell, just like you were. Now that you have forgiveness, it's up to you warn your friends. If witnessing chokes you up, or you don't think you know enough of the Bible yet, here is a simple plan to help you be a real witness. Remember, you can't save anyone ... Jesus will! Here's an easy way to tell them.

Book Reviews

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I just read it, it's a must in every bible believing church. Finished it in 2 sittings and definitely readable again, keeping it within reach. Should be given to all Christians especially new ones no matter how old and a must in the church.
By Eddie from Baltimore

I WOULD BUY THIS PUBLICATION AGAIN AND AGAIN!!! I have been a Christian for most of my life. Now that I'm in my 50's I realize there is still more to learn, enjoy and embrace in God's word. THE NEXT STEP is a wonderful source for new and older Christians to help Christians examine or perhaps re-examine where they are in their walk with God and their relationship with Christ.
By David from Undisclosed

A great reference book for new (and old) believers. A great and easy to read reference for both new and old believers alike. I especially liked the chapters on love/pitfalls and on warning them. Get this book. You won't regret it.
By Catherine from Gainesville

Very clever little book. My children, ages 8 and 11, read this book the day it arrived and really enjoyed it, although it is a neat little book for any age if you are wanting to grow in faith, if you are a new Christian, a seasoned one, or maybe a 'backslidden' Christian. There is a good idea in here for Bible reading which i now use and it has been better than any method I have tried before.
By Tyrtle from New Zealand


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1. Read some of our best ideas for getting the Gospel out during the current health crisis.


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8780 Archibald Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, USA

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