Read the full story: Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Lately we have all come face to face with the limits of science. One famous spokesman just came out and admitted his science was incorrect. But by it he led the whole world astray. We all know how it is. One scientist says one thing. Another says, “Hey, you forgot something.” And that something changes the entire picture. Science should not be blindly trusted. Science should always be questioned. Science, by definition, has its limits. Maybe that is why God didn’t use carbon 14 or any other scientific process to reveal Himself to us. Instead, He chose eyewitnesses. As any judge or lawyer can tell you, there is no better evidence than reliable eyewitnesses. Trust the Science is a story about a guy who thought his scientific evidence proved history wrong. But he soon had to admit that there were limits to science. The reader sees the power of reliable eyewitnesses to show the truth, including about God and His words. It is a message that the average guy on the street can understand. Dr. James Johnson is a judge as well as a scientist at ICR, the Institute for Creation Research in Dallas, Texas. He told me about the limits of Carbon-14 testing, when trying to date Viking bones found in England. Finally, some bright man or woman realized the limits to C-14 testing, adjusted for the new information, and lo and behold! Now the C-14 matched what the other evidence already showed. Science should always be questioned. But reliable eyewitnesses are by far the best way, not only to date events like these, but also to know about one-time events, the miracles of the Bible. As two of the apostles wrote: 2 Peter 1:16 “For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” 1 John 1:3-4 “That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ. And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full.” Trust the Science is really about the limits of science, and the power of God’s eyewitnesses, especially in God’s own Book, the Holy Bible. It is a stirring salvation message. God bless you as you give this timely gospel message to those around you. In Christ Jesus, and for His service, ![]() • • • • • Hear From the Artist: David W. Daniels Watch as David tells us a bit about what inspired him to draw this tract. The reader will be confronted with the reality that eyewitnesses back up the authenticity of Jesus' ministry on earth. We can trust in what they saw and heard as eyewitnesses of our Saviour! Resurrection Sunday Years ago, Jack Chick realized that most of the people who visit churches this time of year will hear the pastor's message, but for various reasons, they don’t decide to receive Jesus that day. It's so easy to procrastinate. You can give them another chance by sending the gospel home with each visitor. Simply insert a copy of “Poor Little Lamb” or “The Empty Tomb” inside the church bulletin or pew. You can also give one to every visitor as they leave your service. Later, as the Holy Spirit keeps knocking at the door of their hearts, they can read what to do, and what to pray. It could be their last opportunity! Description: The Passover lamb saved the lives of the firstborn Jews in Egypt. Now Jesus is the Lamb who can save you! Description: The story of Christ's resurrection from the dead. Because of the empty tomb, Jesus is the only way to heaven. Did you receive our last email newsletter? If not, here's what you missed... 1. Evil Beginning to Get Some Washback 2. Testimony from author and evangelist, Mark Cahill Customer Service Have a question? Please contact us.
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