Read the full story: Brothers and Sisters in Christ, March 3, 2020 “Stress is on the rise,” I’ve heard. But we live in the world of technology. There are many things we can do to “get away from it all,” without even leaving the room. Look around. You can find groups of people, sitting together, but on their phones. I’m not knocking it. I’m just pointing it out. Many young people are trying Virtual Reality (VR), a new experience that doesn’t involve drugs or drinking. Throw on a pair of goggles and you’re in another world. I looked silly a few weeks ago, batting around in the air with those goggles on. But I felt like I was actually using swords to battle flying boxes and shapes that were thrown at me. And it’s not all arcade play. People interact with this computer-generated, virtual environment, as if it were the real world. It seems that they can escape from anything with this totally immersive environment —Except God! As Kent finds out in our new tract, Jesus penetrates all of reality —even virtual. We simply cannot get away from God. Psalm 139:7-8 makes it crystal-clear, “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.” You can run, but you can’t hide from God. That’s as vital a message today as ever. In Virtual Reality? Kent thinks he’s a god, with everything he could ever want at his fingertips. But suddenly Jesus breaks through and slowly brings Kent back to reality —including his need for the Saviour. I hope you will enjoy the wild ride of this tract, made for a new generation. And I encourage you to pray as you pass out tracts, that when they read it, it will produce the biggest impact, and perhaps, read it again and again. But the key is they must receive the tract. That’s where we come in. We must give it. Together, prayerfully, we can break into the inner world of the new generation, and by God’s grace, bring them back to reality and their conscious need for Jesus and His forgiveness, salvation and a new direction for their lives. In Christ Jesus, and for His service, Did you receive our last email newsletter? If not, here's what you missed... 1. Results from your tracts: Read some testimonies we've received recently. 2. See the top 5 most popular Chick tracts. Customer Service Have a question? Please contact us.
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