Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
The world wants our undivided attention! They are like the guy wearing a sandwich board that says “The End Is Near!” with a twist: world leaders will gladly fix the world for us, as long as we give up our freedoms, live as slaves in tiny houses, eating bugs and drinking recycled sewage, and give them lots and lots (and lots!) of money. They take up our day in the news, politics, talk shows, entertainment, and in new government regulations that try to make us prisoners in our own homes.
But wait. The end IS near, only not in the way that they say. The righteous Son of God, who belongs to no political party, has told us that He is coming to judge the earth. And unlike the guesses of the world, the Lord has told us very specifically what will happen, and He has written it down in our Bible.
"Then What?" is the story of a man whose daughter feels the pull of the world’s forces on TV. Her Christian dad takes the opportunity to place into her mind what will really happen, and how she can be fully prepared to miss that horrible time. And she can take care of that right there in their living room!
People want to be prepared. The most important preparation is being ready for eternity. God will do so many wonderful things for those who believe on His Son! And this gospel tract shows some of those wonderful things, as well as how they can get saved so their trust is focused on Jesus, not on the world.
The world wants to distract and paralyze us with fear. We must be focused on Christ and actively spread the hope of the gospel through faith in Jesus.
God be with you as you hand out this tract to a shell-shocked world.
In Christ Jesus, and for His service,