Presenting Jesus Christ as Creator, Redeemer and King of Kings!

"The Light of the World" Gospel Movie

Of all the things Jack Chick was able to accomplish for the Lord during his life, the project he was most proud of was his gospel movie, "The Light of the World".

As video technology grew in the early 1990s, Jack longed to find a way to use it to spread the gospel. This 78-minute film fulfilled his dream and he even used his own money to pay for the soundtrack. Jack and Fred Carter worked together on this for more than 10 years and over 360 oil paintings were created specifically for this film.

We are making this gospel movie available for free viewing, in over 20 languages, so you can share it with friends and loved ones this Christmas season.

It's also available on DVD for anyone who prefers that format.

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Description: Here's why Jesus really came to earth...from His birth to His resurrection.

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Let's Talk About Bible: With David W. Daniels.

Glogy to God in the Highest!

One Greek Letter Can Change the Gospel

Believe it or not, one single letter DOES change the gospel! You are about to find out, in something as subtle as the announcement of Christ’s birth by the angels in the Judaean hills, in Luke 2.

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1. Public Libraries: Everyone Welcome, Just Not Christians

2. Chick Tracts Help Missions in Korea and the Philippines

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