VIDEO: What if the devil came to your door?

VIDEO: What if the Devil Came to Your Door?

If the Devil told you what he wanted you to do for Halloween, would you do it? This 2½ minute entertaining video will get you thinking...

Tips for Making Your Halloween Evangelism Fun and Easy

Kids LOVE cartoon tracts!

Over the years, we've learned a thing or two about sharing the gospel Halloween night.

We've put together a Halloween Help Guide to give you some ideas that work (we've tried them!) so that you can be a light for Jesus in your neighborhood.

If you try one of these ideas below, prepare the "treats" before Halloween night. That helps make the distribution easy and you can focus on being sure every kid gets the gospel!

You'll love the kids reactions when you get creative. See our 9 witnessing ideas.

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Below are some pictures from other Christians who tried these witnessing ideas!

Tracts, candy and a Bible verse with each bag.

"Many church families donated candy and about fifteen of us got together after church one Sunday and we bagged tracts and candy in Ziploc bags. Hundreds were passed out!"

Angela M.

A tract with candy rolled up with a rubber band.

"Tracts rolled up with candy. Praying to pass out 425 this year!"

Eduel A.

Treat bags prepared early make them so easy to give out!

"Two tracts per bag with candy. I was able to give all 100 tracts out in a few hours. Now at least 50 souls have been exposed to Christ's Gospel."

Joshua M.

Ziploc bags are great for holding a tract, candy and crayons.

"This was my first time passing out Chick tracts on Halloween. Even in my little town I handed out 216 tracts in 3 1/2 hours. And the kids and parents were both absolutely thrilled to get them!!"

Josh G.

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1. Mission Fund Update: Papua New Guinea project is now complete (see photos).

2. Would you consider giving to the Chick mission fund to help provide free tracts to missionaries? Learn more in the newsletter.

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8780 Archibald Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, USA

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