Globalist Leaders Reveal Their Plans

Globalist Leaders Reveal Their Plans

Sometimes a very short comment is a wide opening into a much larger story. Come and see what the Globalists have planned for you.

Gerald Sutek, Missionary To the Philippines, Provided Us This Humorous Story

We buy gas at same Shell station every time.

The guys in the picture below have received many tracts and so on this day I did not give them tracts. I simply leaned out the passenger window and asked them, "If they died today, where would they go, heaven or hell?"

They all quickly said, "Heaven!" I asked, "That’s great but how do you know?" They all pointed to the stack of Chick tracts on the dashboard of my vehicle.

Tracts work!

The Chick Mission Fund is preparing to send another container with over 1 million Chick tracts to the Philippines.

These men learned about salvation with the help of Chick tracts.

My Top 10 Reasons To Use Tracts in 2023 and Beyond

Customer: Shelia S. (Facebook)

Top 10 Reasons To Use Tracts in 2023 and Beyond.

Tracts give a simple and effective way to share Christ.

They get inside homes and stay there. We can’t.

They're small enough to be included in letters, cards and bills.

They never lose their temper or get discouraged.

They're willing to be sent anywhere and work 24 hours a day.

They go anywhere with us: work, school, recreation, shopping, restaurants, events, repair shops, etc.

Tracts can be read many times by more than one person.

They're a great way to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing the gospel often and widely.

You can give them with an encouraging word and smile because they create a witnessing opportunity.

Tracts contain Bible verses that can give a lost soul eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.

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8780 Archibald Ave., Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730, USA

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