January/February 2023 Battle Cry

Greg Watford shares some great success stories of saturation with Chick tracts in Louisiana.

A Burning Desire for Lost Souls Led to Saturation Mission

Greg Watford shares some great success stories of saturation with Chick tracts in Louisiana.

More Articles in This Issue

Catholic Sexual Abuse Has Another Side

For several decades, clergy sexual abuse of children has been in the news. Thousands of priests and tens of thousands of victims have been exposed from every U.S. state and in countries overseas.

Mission Fund Update: January 2023

In spite of the general increase of prices worldwide, Christians continue to support the Chick Mission Fund and Chick tracts are going worldwide! Read the latest news from the mission field.

Public Libraries: Everyone Welcome, Just Not Christians

More than 50 public libraries across the country have refused to allow a 'story hour' so Christian actor and author Kirk Cameron can share his new children's book, 'As You Grow'.

‘Anxiety Disorder’ —or Sin?

Two proposals this year from a government advisory group advocate 'anxiety screening' for everyone from 8 to 64 years old. They seem to see a new pandemic of fear that the government needs to deal with.

Pressure Increasing Against Freedom to Preach the Gospel

Those who obey the Great Commission to go and preach, are meeting increasing resistance. Here are several examples from England.

A Message From David W. Daniels

Children used to be sheltered. No longer. Now, sheltering —protecting children— is almost considered a crime.

Who’s REALLY harming the children?

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil...” Isaiah 5:20

Who’s REALLY harming the children?

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1. World Is Gushing Over Death of Pope Benedict

2. Top-Rated Comics on Catholicism

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