Evolution Handbook, The

  • $6.95

600 pages
Most complete refutation of evolution available in a single book. Carefully written in simple language for 7th grade on up. (Read More)

English $6.95

A powerful book – Evolutionists have no answer!

Almost 600 pages of pure scientific truth about evolution!

  • Thousands of scientific facts, disproving every basic area of evolutionary theory.
  • A fascinating book that is easy to read. Full of facts most people are not aware of. Written so key points quickly jump out at you. 1,350 scientific quotations or references.
  • Browse through this book and you will soon know more about a far wider range of scientific facts than many scientists are taught.
  • Topically arranged, easy-to-read print size, and a full-size index so you can quickly find what you are looking for.
  • Written for all ages, but outstanding for students. Includes study questions and research helps. Because of the way it is arranged and typeset, this book is excellent for seventh grade on up.
  • Remarkably broad coverage. No complicated math. Hundreds of statements by prominent scientists who disprove evolutionary theory. They know evolution is a hoax. You should learn the facts also.
  • Keep this book. You will refer to it for years to come, as you convince others of the truth. Facts are powerful. You will learn things most do not know!
  • Give copies of this book to your loved ones. Give it to students in school. Let them start learning the truth. They urgently need it!
  • LEARN HOW TO REFUTE EVOLUTIONARY ERRORS. Excellent for schools, study groups, sermons, and lectures.
  • Most complete refutation of evolution available in a single book.

Easy-to-read explanation of scientific facts

Also Available in Spanish (Kindle eBook)

This powerful book is also available in Spanish from Amazon.com as a Kindle eBook!

Table of Contents


  • A Treasure House of Information
    • The origin of this book and how to use it.


  • Scientists Speak about Evolution:
    • Statements by Non-creationist Scientists
      • Even they do not believe evolutionary foolishness.

Chapter 1: History of Evolutionary Theory

  • How modern science got into this problem.

Chapter 2: The Big Bang and Stellar Evolution

  • Why the Big Bang is a fizzle and stars cannot evolve out of gas.

Chapter 3: The Origin of the Earth

  • Why the Earth did not evolve out of a molten state.

Chapter 4: The Age of the Earth

  • Why the Earth is not millions of years old.

Chapter 5: The Problem of Time

  • Why long ages cannot produce evolutionary change.

Chapter 6: Inaccurate Dating Methods

  • Why the non-historical dating techniques are unreliable.

Chapter 7: The Primitive Environment

  • Why raw materials on earth cannot produce life.

Chapter 8: DNA and Protein

  • Why DNA and protein could not be produced by random chance.

Chapter 9: Natural Selection

  • Why natural selection only makes changes within species.

Chapter 10: Mutations

  • Why mutations cannot produce cross-species change.

Chapter 11: Animal and Plant Species

  • Why the species barrier cannot be broken.

Chapter 12: Fossils and Strata

  • Why the fossil/strata theory is a hoax.

Chapter 13: Ancient Man

  • Why there is no evidence humans have evolved from anything.

Chapter 14: Effects of the Flood

  • What actually happened after the Flood.

Chapter 15: Similarities and Divergence

  • Why similar structures are not an evidence of evolution.

Chapter 16: Vestiges and Recapitulation

  • You have no useless or unnecessary structures inherited from earlier life-forms.

Chapter 17: Evolutionary Showcase

  • The best examples of evolution have proven worthless.

Chapter 18: The Laws of Nature

  • The laws of nature oppose the evolutionary theory.

Chapter 19: Evolution, Morality, and Violence

  • Evolutionary theory is ruining modern civilization.

Chapter 20: Tectonics and Paleomagnetism

  • The truth about plate tectonics and paleomagnetism.

Chapter 21: Archaeological Dating

  • Egyptian, and other, dates correlate archaeological finds with the Bible.

Chapter 22: Evolutionary Science Fiction

  • Fabulous fairy tales which only tiny children can believe.

Chapter 23: Scientists Speak

  • Evolutionary scientists say the theory is unscientific and worthless.

Chapter 24: Utterly Impossible

  • Things evolution could never invent.

Chapter 25: Latest Evolution Crisis

  • Events from 1959 to 2006

Chapter 26: Summary of the Anthropic Principle

  • Discovering a flood of coincidences

Chapter 27: Big Bang Creationism

  • When opposites are combined

Appendix: How to locate additional information for your research paper.

Subject Index: The best way to find what you are looking for in this book.

Table of Contents


  • A Treasure House of Information
    • The origin of this book and how to use it.


  • Scientists Speak about Evolution:
    • Statements by Non-creationist Scientists
      • Even they do not believe evolutionary foolishness.

Chapter 1: History of Evolutionary Theory

  • How modern science got into this problem.

Chapter 2: The Big Bang and Stellar Evolution

  • Why the Big Bang is a fizzle and stars cannot evolve out of gas.

Chapter 3: The Origin of the Earth

  • Why the Earth did not evolve out of a molten state.

Chapter 4: The Age of the Earth

  • Why the Earth is not millions of years old.

Chapter 5: The Problem of Time

  • Why long ages cannot produce evolutionary change.

Chapter 6: Inaccurate Dating Methods

  • Why the non-historical dating techniques are unreliable.

Chapter 7: The Primitive Environment

  • Why raw materials on earth cannot produce life.

Chapter 8: DNA and Protein

  • Why DNA and protein could not be produced by random chance.

Chapter 9: Natural Selection

  • Why natural selection only makes changes within species.

Chapter 10: Mutations

  • Why mutations cannot produce cross-species change.

Chapter 11: Animal and Plant Species

  • Why the species barrier cannot be broken.

Chapter 12: Fossils and Strata

  • Why the fossil/strata theory is a hoax.

Chapter 13: Ancient Man

  • Why there is no evidence humans have evolved from anything.

Chapter 14: Effects of the Flood

  • What actually happened after the Flood.

Chapter 15: Similarities and Divergence

  • Why similar structures are not an evidence of evolution.

Chapter 16: Vestiges and Recapitulation

  • You have no useless or unnecessary structures inherited from earlier life-forms.

Chapter 17: Evolutionary Showcase

  • The best examples of evolution have proven worthless.

Chapter 18: The Laws of Nature

  • The laws of nature oppose the evolutionary theory.

Chapter 19: Evolution, Morality, and Violence

  • Evolutionary theory is ruining modern civilization.

Chapter 20: Tectonics and Paleomagnetism

  • The truth about plate tectonics and paleomagnetism.

Chapter 21: Archaeological Dating

  • Egyptian, and other, dates correlate archaeological finds with the Bible.

Chapter 22: Evolutionary Science Fiction

  • Fabulous fairy tales which only tiny children can believe.

Chapter 23: Scientists Speak

  • Evolutionary scientists say the theory is unscientific and worthless.

Chapter 24: Utterly Impossible

  • Things evolution could never invent.

Chapter 25: Latest Evolution Crisis

  • Events from 1959 to 2006

Chapter 26: Summary of the Anthropic Principle

  • Discovering a flood of coincidences

Chapter 27: Big Bang Creationism

  • When opposites are combined

Appendix: How to locate additional information for your research paper.

Subject Index: The best way to find what you are looking for in this book.


About Author

Vance Ferrell

Ferrell has authored a number of books on various subjects.

He claims that in 1989, when the California Department of Education refused to certify the Institute for Creation Research (ICR) unless it taught evolutionary origins, Ferrell decided a definitive publication was needed defining the errors of evolutionary theory. The result was a three volume set later condensed into the 982-page paperback, The Evolution Handbook.


Author: Vance Ferrell
Pages: 601 - Paperback
Price: $6.95