From "Answers To Your Bible Version Questions" ©2001 David W. Daniels.
Reproduced by permission
Question: Is anything missing from the New American Bible or the Rheims-Douay?
Answer: Actually, there are many words both added to and missing from these Roman Catholic Bibles.
Adding to Scripture
The New American, Douay/Rheims and other Roman Catholic Bibles add to Scripture.
Old Testament Apocrypha
The Roman Catholic Old Testament adds uninspired books, which
we call Apocrypha, to the Bible, as if it were scripture.
Roman Catholic Bibles, from the 300s AD to the present, include these uninspired Alexandrian Egyptian additions to Scripture. It wasn't until 1548 at the Roman Catholic Council of Trent that the Apocrypha was declared to be actual Scripture, in reaction to the Protestant Bibles. Translators of the King James Bible, God’s preserved words in English, were told to include the Apocrypha. But they wrote seven excellent reasons why not to include it in Scripture. Alexander McClure, in his book wrote down these reasons:
So the translators were careful to separate the Apocrypha from the Bible, putting it in a separate section between the Old and New Testaments, with each page clearly labeled, “Apocrypha.” The last page of II Maccabees, in the 1611 King James reads, “End of Apocrypha.” Then it returns to God’s inspired words in Matthew.
Taking away from Scripture
New Testament -
But the Roman Catholic Bible is a perverted Alexandrian Egyptian Bible,
not a preserved Antiochian Bible, like the King James. It is a combination
of the heretical Egyptian Bible, including the Alexandrian Apocrypha,
and blended to look like the preserved Vaudois Latin scriptures.
It omits thousands of words and a number of entire verses.
The Roman Catholic New American Bible (also called the “St. Joseph’s Bible” is very similar, almost identical in New Testament text to many Protestant Bibles
What’s the Difference?
There is a lot added to (the Apocrypha) and taken away from (Alexandrian perversion) the Catholic Bibles. Most modern Protestant Bibles do not contain the Apocrypha, though some do. But there is almost no difference at all between the Roman Catholic New Testament and the modern Protestant perversions. Whichever you choose, ultimately you’re being led down the primrose path of perversion. The only way to completely avoid this “broad way” is to take the narrow path and read the King James Bible.
May God bless you as you read His preserved words in English, the King James Bible.