“It’s Comic-Con, How Could They Refuse a Comic?”

A Chick customer tells about an exciting tract outreach her church was able to do this July at Comic-Con in San Diego, California.

About Author Gerald Sutek

Background information about author Gerald Sutek, author of "Street Preachers' Manual" and "I Am Not Ashamed."

Advice of 47 Years

How street preaching builds strong, powerful preachers.

Biblical Mandate for Street Preaching

The Lord commanded his prophets to publically evangelize. America's current conditions reflect the conditions under which his prophets preached. - From online book 'Street Preachers' Manual' by Gerald Sutek.

Church at the Crossroads of the World

Pastor Brian Kelly began several years ago with a simple table of Chick Tracts set up in a subway of New York City. There he learned that people do read Chick Tracts. Kelly says that New York City is a pressure place and most people passing by appear stressed. But he likes to watch when someone opens a Chick tract for the first time.

Ethics of Street Preaching

Here is the right way and the wrong way to conduct yourself when street preaching. From "Street Preacher's Manual" by Gerald Sutek.

Event Evangelism Reaches Many People in a Short Time

If we plant the seed, God will give the increase!

Go Where the Lost Are!

A few words from Gerald Sutek, author of "I Am Not Ashamed: Public Ministry Then and Now."

I’m Forever Grateful for that Little Tract

Singer and musician, Kathleen Carnali, tells how the Chick tract, 'This Was Your Life' that she received as a teenager in Massachusetts was instrumental in her salvation.

Mechanics of Street Preaching

Preparing for street preaching. Steps to take to insure that your experience is successful. Includes tips about praying, placement, projection, music, and more. - From online book 'Street Preachers' Manual' by Gerald Sutek.

Mobs Are Okay, Christians Arrested Instead

Bold Christians are being denied their free speech rights by lawless mobs. Police officers are forcing some street preachers to leave immediately before a situation with protestors gets out of control.

Post-Christian Europe Attempting To Shut Down Free Speech

European governments are trying to silence Christians who dare preach "unapproved" biblical doctrines. And they want the U.S. to do the same here.

Pressure Increasing Against Freedom to Preach the Gospel

Those who obey the Great Commission to go and preach, are meeting increasing resistance. Here are several examples from England.

Public Preaching Coming Under Increasing Resistance

Evangelist Hans Schmidt was at his customary street-preaching post when a gunshot from somewhere in the crowded intersection sent a bullet into his temple, tearing into his brain.

Results of Street Preaching

Salvation proclaimed, souls are saved, and soldiers strengthened as a result of street preaching. - From online book 'Street Preachers' Manual' by Gerald Sutek.

Revolutions Rarely Benefit Christians

There is much talk today about revolution. Few revolutions bode well for Christians. It is becoming increasingly obvious that today’s controversy is far deeper than just the superficial political parties. Leaders are making no effort to hide the influence of godless Marxism.

'Seasoned' Soul Winners: We've Got to Pass It On

As this generation of soul winners moves on, it is critical that the next generation is inspired (and trained) in witnessing.

Street to stay out of jail.

Know your rights and boundaries before you go out to street preach. - From "Street Preachers' Manual" by Gerald Sutek.

Table of Contents - Street Preachers' Manual

From "Street Preachers' Manual" - copyright 1989 by Gerald Sutek.

Testimony from author and evangelist, Mark Cahill

Mark is a compelling and highly sought-after speaker worldwide. He shares with us a story of one of his trips to Japan, and how 'planting seeds' of the Gospel changed a man's life.

Tim and Mike Found a Way to ‘Go…Into All the World’

Tim Berends and Mike Cahill have leveraged some airline privileges into a worldwide tract ministry.