A Message From Jack Chick - Nov 2009

Dear Ones in Christ,

As we look at the mess America is getting into, it`s easy to become discouraged. But history shows that even after God`s judgment has begun, there is still hope if people will turn to Him. It`s not too late!

Today Satan is working in our land. We have forgotten God, outlawed the Bible in our schools, and murdered 70 million innocent babies without batting an eye. Many churches are giving up and becoming just another social club. People are taught that there is no right or wrong, and revolution is building in the hearts of Satan`s crowd.

But it doesn`t have to be that way. There is something we can do! Over two hundred years ago, England was in danger of toppling into the bloodbath of a revolution like the French were about to go through. BUT GOD...our merciful God, moved two brothers, John and Charles Wesley, to create tracts and distribute them all over England. Those tracts blocked Satan`s plans and England survived. The result was a revival that changed the direction of their nation.

Back in 1823 Daniel Webster said, ". . .if religious literature is not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is to become of us as a nation. . . if God and His Word are not known and received, the devil and his work will gain the ascendancy (upper hand)."

God is still on His throne, and if His people will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, God will hear from Heaven and heal this land. Waking them up to what God requires is our job. The Lord Jesus gave us a command, "To preach the gospel to every creature." God has given Chick Publications great gospel tracts to reach the masses and hold back the coming Holocaust.

We can do it. Pass only three tracts a day for a year and you will touch over a 1,000 souls.

God bless you and give you a bold spirit! It`s not too late.

Your brother in Christ,

Jack T. Chick, President
Chick Publications, Inc.

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